2024 - 2025 Gender Dysphoria and Eating Disorders - Live
This lecture discusses the definitions of gender dysphoria and eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia. The activity will review techniques for managing support and techniques for treatment.
Target Audience
- Residents
- Physicians
Learning Objectives
Learners will be able to;
- Define gender dysphoria.
- Define eating disorders.
- Review techniques for managing support and techniques for treatment.
Krupa Nataraj, MD
has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.
Debra Chionis, MS, ACE-MES, ACSM-CEP
has a financial relationship (Stock) with Apple;.
Peer Reviewer(s)
Jessica Peterson, DO, FAPA
has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.
Available Credit
- 1.00 Participation