2024 - 2025 Somatoform / Factitious Disorders
The intent of this lecture is to provide a comprehensive overview of somatic symptoms and their relationship to mental health. The presenter will review the basics of recognizing somatic symptoms of Conversion disorder. The lecture will discuss the differences between malingering and factitious disorders. In addition, the presentation will also discuss hypochondriasis and the appropriate nomenclature of disorders after the switch from DSM IV to DSM V.
Target Audience
- Residents
- Physicians
Learning Objectives
Learners will be able to;
- Describe somatic symptoms and their relationship to mental health.
- Recognize somatic symptoms and Conversion disorder.
- Discuss the differences between malingering and factitious disorders.
- Discuss hypochondriasis and appropriate nomenclature of disorders after the switch from DSM IV to DSM V.
Michelle Pearce, M.D.
has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.
Debra Chionis, MS, ACE-MES, ACSM-CEP
has a financial relationship (Stock) with Apple;.
Peer Reviewer(s)
Jessica Peterson, DO, FAPA
has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.
Available Credit
- 1.00 Participation